Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Malaysia needs to grow up!

Loads of debate and dissatisfaction among Malaysians have been taking place lately regarding statistics which prove that fatherless babies have become very common in Malaysia. These babies have their legal and biological mother but father's names are not stated in the birth certificate.

To me, whether you are of Royal Blood, a high flying politician, religious figure or social activist, you have absolutely no right to touch on this matter as it involves the privacy and decision of individuals. The fact that you use religion as a passport to question one's morality and privacy is rather disgusting and shameful.

We witness the same thing happening in Indonesia as she tries to recover from the sex videos of two famous superstars by the name of Ariel and Luna. It's rather appalling that in this time and age these two countries still spend time harping on issues of morality while blatantly ignoring the rights to privacy and lifestyle of individuals. It should never be the business of the government and police to be moral police and it's time over due that they look at themselves in the mirror and get down to running a country free from shameful corruption, dictatorship and draconian laws.

When will Malaysia and Indonesia grow up? Both get into such fury when told that they are third world countries but time and time again they have proven to be nothing but third world countries! They still have a huge problem in respecting human rights and civil liberties. As a Malaysian i strongly feel that Malaysia refuses to grow up and that's rather disgusting! Minding one's own business doesn't exist in the dictionaries of both countries!