I'm rather appalled as to how developers continue getting their residential projects approved close to high tension wires or some may call it high power voltage lines! Many are so close that apartment and residential view faces the running high tension wires! This is a classic example of Corruption at the expense of people's lives! These high tension wires have long been found of causing Cancer. Many Oncologist would agree with me that it's highly cancerous living close to high tension wires.
Is our government so uneducated or greedy? when i mean government, i mean those little government Napoleons who have approved such hazardous projects at the expense of people's lives! This again proves the United Nations right with their recognition as Malaysia as a third world country!
In the first place, if we are a developed and modern country, something should have been done to replaced these high tension wires with a better alternative, i'm sure that technology today would give many other options rather than opting for 6 to 8 levels of massive high tension wires running around residential areas! This is absolutely alarming and disturbing! Well, what can i say? 'Under Table Money' of a Third World Country!