Saturday, May 7, 2011

Utusan Malaysia: Christians wants Christianity As Official Religion

This is the worst lie that i've ever heard in 30 years, This Malay Paper which belongs to the Malaysian Government has been rather reckless and barbaric in reporting such a baseless accusation.

For your kind information, even though many countries in the world were formed on the solid foundation of Christianity, they have never referred it as "The Official Religion Of The Country." In Malaysia, Islam has been "The Official Religion Of The Country" and no one has had an issue with it, not even the Christians.

The only issue is when you want to transform Cosmopolitan Malaysia into an Islamic State, this is gross injustice. It's also grossly unjust when Islam is used as a barometer to judge one's Moral standings and Lifestyle, worse still when non Muslims are somehow judged and subjected to such narrow interpretations and fanatism of certain segments of followers of the "Official Religion."

Time and Time again "The Official Religion" has been used as a "Passport" to invade freedom of privacy, civil liberties and human rights, in many cases, human dignity has been stripped using the same "Passport." The cabinet (not to long ago) stood up against moral policing but today, they are behind it while having no regard for privacy, civil liberties, human rights & democracy.

KDN pandang serius usaha jadikan Kristian agama rasmi

BESUT 7 Mei – Kementerian Dalam Negeri memandang serius pertemuan paderi dari seluruh negara yang dikatakan membincangkan agenda menjadikan Kristian sebagai agama rasmi negara selain melantik Perdana Menteri di kalangan penganut agama itu.

Menterinya, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, beliau turut terkejut dan sedih dengan pendedahan terbabit kerana dikhuatiri boleh mencetuskan ketegangan serta perbalahan antara kaum khususnya penganut Kristian di negara ini.

Sehubungan itu, beliau memberi jaminan untuk mendapatkan laporan lengkap mengenainya selain mengadakan pertemuan dengan pihak-pihak terbabit dalam waktu terdekat ini.

Beliau yang juga Naib Presiden UMNO turut menasihatkan pihak-pihak yang menganjurkan majlis pertemuan itu supaya jangan sekali-kali mempolitikkan sebarang isu berkaitan agama. “Saya sedih, kerana ada pihak pembangkang yang mempolitikkan agama lain dan mahu menimbulkan kemarahan kalangan penganut kristian. Sebelum ini tak ada langsung.,’’ katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Mesyuarat Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Besut di Dewan Majlis Daerah Besut (MDB) di sini hari ini. - Utusan

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